NeuroLogic Chiropractic Center is now located in Wixom, Michigan!

 Please visit our new website at

A new way to treat pain - Chiropractic Neurology

Chiropractic Functional Neurology Treatment

We appreciate you taking the time to visit our website.  If you have been suffering from back pain, joint pain, neck pain, and normal chiropractic treatment is just not helping as much as you like…then you might want to consider NeuroLogical approach to your pain.  Dr. Muldoon is an, up and coming Chiropractic Neurologist in the Metro Detroit area.

How can Chiropractic Neurology help me?

Chiropractic Neurology combines the science and art of chiropractic with neurology. Your nervous system is the master system that controls how well you function. Your nervous system’s health and ability to function depends on nutrition, oxygen and most importantly the quantity and quality of information it receives from receptors located throughout your body. Some of these receptors give you vision, hearing, taste, etc., but the greatest contribution comes from your joints and muscles. A NeuroLogic Chiropractic treatment is receptor based and focuses on improving and/or restoring the areas of the nervous system which have become dysfunctional through trauma, diet, stress, posture, etc.

We help connect the pain to your brain.

Feel better now!

We are able to diagnose and restore health to the dysfunctional areas of your nervous system. This allows your brain and nervous system to function appropriately and restore normal health. Rehabilitation may include, but are not limited to: Chiropractic adjustments; Neurological rehab exercises; Balance/coordination retraining; Optokinetics (eye movement retraining); Muscle stimulation/ultrasound; Kinesiotaping; Cognitive/brain exercises.

If you would like to schedule an appointment, please call (248) 892-7246, or visit our Office Info page for the online appointment request form.

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